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Projects & Charities Supported by the Scottsdale Pinnacle Peak Lions Club

Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation 

We are proud to serve the community assisting those in need of Sight and Hearing assistance.

Our primary goal is to restore vision and/or hearing to improve the quality-of-life and productivity of those with no other resources.

The Lions Sight & Hearing Foundation of Arizona is raising funds as well as awareness of the needs of both hearing loss and eye disease.

Restoration of vision and hearing through eye surgery, hearing aids and pediatric hearing aids or surgery is the Foundation’s main focus.

Recycling eyeglasses and hearing aids is another service provided by the Lions Sight and Hearing Foundation of Arizona.


Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center 

Southwest Wildlife rescues and rehabilitates wildlife that has been injured, displaced, and orphaned. Once rehabilitated, they are returned to the wild. Wildlife education includes advice on living with wildlife and the importance of native wildlife to healthy ecosystems. Educational and humane scientific research opportunities are offered in the field of conservation medicine.  Sanctuary is provided to animals that cannot be released back to the wild.

To achieve this mission, Southwest Wildlife provides:

  • volunteer dispatch teams that respond to wildlife emergencies

  • an on-site medical care center

  • full-time wildlife consultation services

  • educational services

  • an American Sanctuary Association accredited sanctuary for those animals that cannot be released


Packages From Home 

Our primary purpose is to provide food, personal care, and recreational items to deployed American troops, at no cost to them.  We collect donated items from generous patriotic citizens who live all across America.

These items include non-perishable food, personal toiletries, and recreational items like games, books, music CDs and movie DVDs. A list of items needed by the troops is available on our "Things to Donate" page along with the location of "Drop Off Locations" in the greater Phoenix Arizona area where items may be donated. (No alcohol, tobacco products, pressurized containers, x-rated materials or any other item deemed unsuitable or unsafe will ever be sent by us.)

Our staff and volunteers carefully pack the donations into U.S. Post Office Flat-Rate Priority Mail boxes. The boxes are then mailed to U.S. servicemen and women who are deployed overseas in harm's way. Monetary donations go towards mailing costs and/or purchasing of special items to send to the troops.

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Sunshine Acres Children's Home

Sunshine Acres provides a loving, wholesome, Christian home for children who are separated from their parents and help them establish long-term relationships with stable parental figures, preparing them for success in adult life. 


Sunshine Acres provides the emotional, social, physical, educational and spiritual support for the children we serve, so they may learn to manage their own affairs along with maximizing the development of their potential, abilities and interests. The ultimate goal is to facilitate a child’s development to voluntarily leave our home and function within a community environment in a style that is both meaningful and purposeful to himself and the community.

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St. Vincent De Paul

Inspired by Gospel values, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a Catholic lay organization, leads women and men to join together to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to those who are needy and suffering in the tradition of its founder, Blessed Frédéric Ozanam, and patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

As a reflection of the whole family of God, members, who are known as Vincentians, are drawn from every ethnic and cultural background, age group, and economic level. Vincentians are united in an international society of charity by their spirit of poverty, humility and sharing, which is nourished by prayer and reflection, mutually supportive gatherings and adherence to a basic Rule.

Organized locally, Vincentians witness God's love by embracing all works of charity and justice. The Society collaborates with other people of good will in relieving need and addressing its causes, making no distinction in those served because, in them, Vincentians see the face of Christ.

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Arizona Burn Center 

The Arizona Burn Center at Maricopa Medical Center serves all of Arizona and receives patients from many surrounding states and Northern Mexico. In 2010, the Arizona Burn Center provided care to 947 in-patients and 5,511 out-patient visits. This center of excellence is a 37-bed facility, 19 of which can be dedicated intensive care beds, and expandable to 47 beds institution-wide. This makes the Arizona Burn Center the second largest in North America. The Arizona Burn Clinic has 5 outpatient clinic rooms, a pressure garment measuring room, massage therapy and a dedicated telemedicine room. Emergency burn care is a dedicated 24 hours a day service.The Arizona Burn Center is essentially a stand-alone facility within the confines of a regional medical center. It consists of:

  • Burn provider on site 24/7/365

  • Dedicated operating rooms

  • Physical and Occupational therapy rooms

  • Staff, patient and media conference rooms

  • Two dedicated burn admission rooms within the Center

  • A comprehensive Academic and Clinical research team

  • Six clinic and procedure rooms

  • A dedicated skin bank

  • Telemedicine video conferencing

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Phoenix Rescue Mission

Mission Statement

Providing Christ-centered, life-transforming solutions to persons facing hunger and homelessness.

Vision Statement.

A community mobilized to transform lives and end hunger and homelessness.


  • Christ-Centered: We first exist to glorify God and advance His kingdom; through grace we receive and grace we share.

  • Servant Leadership: We highly value and intentionally serve each other, our clients, and our ministry partners, leading by following Christ’s example.

  • Transformation: We invest in the spiritual, personal, and professional development of one another, restoring and equipping each other for intentional living.

  • Stewardship: We are responsible for the time, talents, and treasures entrusted to us by God and our ministry partners and strive to maximize the impact of these resources.

  • Excellence: We provide excellent services, achieve results, impact our community, and are innovative and collaborative in our approach.

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